Should Your Dog Love and Enjoy CBD For Health?

Have you considered CBD for your dog? And should you?

CBD has increased in popularity in recent years to help human health.

CBD stands for cannabidiol. Although it's related to cannabis, it comes directly from the hemp plant. Which is a cousin of marijuana. So it's not the same!

And although many CBD products may not be suitable for pets. There are some ranges that your dog can enjoy.

So why should you consider CBD for your dog?

There are several health ailments that you can use CBD for your dog including:

  • Epilepsy
  • Seizures
  • Tumors
  • Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes

Of course as with any medicine. Complementary or conventional. Only use if your veterinary surgeon permits it. Don't rely on the internet to provide health answers for your dog! Nor rely on friends or family for their recommendations. But many vets are now happy to suggest complementary medicine. And an increasing number are happy to recommend CBD.

What's The Research For CBD and Dogs?

Given its increase in usage. Veterinary research has taken place. Including:

How should you choose a CBD product for your dog?

Your veterinary surgeon may recommend a specific product or brand. Human CBD products are unlikely to be suitable. As they often contain too much THC which is harmful to your dog.

And choose a CBD product that doesn't contain herbicides, pesticides and metals. It can be surprising what is in some products - even for people! And if you're not sure, then don't buy it, and buy another brand you can trust.

There are several producers of CBD products designed specifically for dogs. This includes Kannaway CBD have a range of products for pets. These are specific for pets, including your dog.

Will your dog enjoy Kannaway's CBD products?

Kannaway's range for pets are palatable. But as with any supplement or food, some dogs may be more suspicious than others! As with anything new food-wise. Introduce a small bit at a time.

If you'd like to help your dog with CBD then speak to your vet. And a consultation with a holistic veterinary surgeon maybe useful. There are many across the UK and the world. Many vets are now increasingly aware of the potential benefits of CBD for their canine patients.

How To Buy Kannaway CBD?
Email Andy Cushen at

Or ask your Veterinary Surgeon for advice on which CBD product maybe best.

Like help finding a veterinary surgeon or therapist for your animal?
Please email me at info at taranet . co. uk

Please remember that if your horse, dog or other animal is unwell. Or on any kind of medication or other supplement. Then always speak to your Veterinary Surgeon first before using any supplement or therapy. Even natural ones. To avoid any possible issues.

And do you know someone who'd find this helpful? Please share, the more we can spread awareness of the benefits of natural therapies the better! :)

Find out more about other natural animal therapies here at Taranet. Or read other articles in this Natural Pet Health Blog. Take a look at the sitemap here to explore!

About the Author

This article has been written by Suzanne Harris with information supplied by Andy Cushen, Kannaway Distributor.

Suzanne Harris is founder of this Taranet Complementary Animal Therapies website at, and also provides business coaching to horse and dog care and veterinary professionals.

Everything You Want To Know To Help Your Cat's Urinary Health Naturally

How You Can Help Your Cat's Urinary Health With Herbs

Do you want a more natural way to help your cat's urinary health?

Feline lower urinary tract disease can be common. There can be many reasons though for it to occur, including:

  • urinary infection
  • urinary stones
  • hyperthyroidism
  • diabetes
  • injury

How would you know if your cat has lower urinary tract disease?

There could be many symptoms. From your cat straining to urinate, or passing small amounts of urine. To obvious pain.

If you suspect your cat is unwell, get your Veterinary Surgeon to check your cat as soon as possible. Feline lower urinary tract disease can be very serious, especially if untreated.

3 popular herbs for feline urinary health

1. Cranberries

Cranberries are often used to help people and a variety of animals with their urinary health. Including cats.

What's the research?

My favourite supplement is "Aloe Berry Nectar", from Forever Living Products. This is a product I sell, but also use, so recommend! It combines aloe vera with cranberries and apple. For information on this please email me at info @

2. Dandelion

These bright yellow flowering plants are often considered weeds. But they contain many nutrients, including: vitamins A, C, K and E. Plus several minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Also dandelions are diruetics. Diruretics promote urine elimination and passing urine is essential to health. Get more information on dandelion with my advice page here.

3. Marshmallow

This is a soothing plant, that contains mucilage. Which can effectively coat the urinary tract to protect it. Get more information on marshmallow for animals in my advice page here.

…Chinese Herbs?

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) includes a range of herbal remedies. But they require expert veterinary professional knowledge to use. Otherwise unwelcome side effects are possible. There are veterinary surgeon's who're qualified in TCVM, so find one to help you.

What Herb Would Be Best For Your Cat?

It depends on what the cause of your cat's urinary system is. So speaking to your veterinary surgeon is vital.

Choosing a specially formulated herbal supplement for cats is a great idea. You'll know then that it's got the right amount of herbs and you'll have a clear guide on how much to use.

For example Hilton Herbs have a product called Kitty Ezee-P, which is designed for optimum feline urinary function. Visit Hilton Herbs website at

There are many holistic veterinary surgeons in the UK and around the world, and having a consultation with one will help you to get the best herbal approach for your cat.

What Else Can You Do To Help?

Nutrition is key. Whatever the cause of your cat's urinary issues is. A diet that's balanced and which is high quality, preferably organic and as natural as possible. With no unnecessary additives or preservatives. Will help your cat to be as healthy as possible.

The saying 'you are what you eat' applies to cats too!

Have you heard of raw feeding? Although it's well known for dogs. Cats can benefit from a raw food diet too. You can find prepared raw food from experienced producers such as Natures Menu, find their website at

There are also veterinary surgeon's who're members of the Raw Feed Veterinary Society, find a vet at their website at

A high quality diet will help your cat be healthy and reduce ailments.

And ensure your cat has clean, fresh water at all times. Drinking is essential for good health! If your cat's not keen on drinking a lot, then try changing the water bowl to another material or another colour - it could make a difference!

As with all therapies and treatments - use only those that your Veterinary Surgeon approves. Whilst herbal medicine is generally very safe, there maybe some reasons why it won't be suitable for your horse, dog or other animal. It may not even work properly if your animal is on other medication, so do get your Veterinary Surgeon's permission first.

Find out more about other natural animal therapies here at Taranet. Or read other articles in this Natural Pet Health Blog. Take a look at the sitemap here to explore!

About the Author

Suzanne Harris is founder of this Taranet website at, and also provides business coaching to horse and dog care and veterinary professionals.

Are Blackberries Something Your Pet Should Love?

How Your Horse Or Dog Can Benefit From Blackberries

Do you love blackberries? A blackberry crumble is delicious! Have you ever thought about their health benefits? And has your dog or horse tried them?

What's In A Blackberry?

They're a source of fibre. And blackberries contain several vitamins. These being C, K and E. Other elements include potassium, manganese and copper.

According to "Veterinary Herbal Medicine: a systems-based approach". There are a large amount of tannins. Which gives blackberry leaves and roots an astringent effect. This may be useful for treating patients with diarrhoea.

Why Can Blackberries Help Your Horse or Dog?

A balanced diet for your horse or dog means including all the vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants required for a healthy life. Sometimes though if your animal has a health issue, more of a certain vitamin or mineral is needed to help restore balance and help recuperate.

So blackberries - in moderation. Can be a useful supplement on a regular basis. Or you could feed at a certain time when your animal has an ailment. And needs a vitamin boost. Or they're great as a tasty snack.

As mentioned above, diarrhoea is listed as being helped by blackberries in veterinary herbal medicine.

It's not just the soft fruit you can use. Blackberry leaves or roots can also be used.

Blackberry essence can be also used in zoopharmacognosy. Read more about this complementary therapy for animals here. It's always best to either complete a course (for pet owners is possible) at or have a consultation with a qualified practitioner to ensure the best essence is used for your animal's particular circumstances.

Blackberry bushes usually have lots of thorns! These are dangerous - not great for us, nor our horses or dogs. So take care when picking. Of course if your horse is foraging in a hedgerow in the field, then he or she will naturally be cautious.

And always choose a foraging spot that is free from pollution. So not near a busy road.

If you'd like to help your horse or dog with blackberries or other herbs and plants, then a consultation with a holistic veterinary surgeon maybe useful. Or a zoopharmacognosy practitioner can give a consultation with essential oils. There are many across the UK and the world.

Like help finding a veterinary surgeon or therapist for your animal?
Please email me at info at taranet . co. uk

Please remember that if your horse, dog or other animal is unwell. Or on any kind of medication or other supplement. Then always speak to your Veterinary Surgeon first before using any supplement or therapy. Even natural ones. To avoid any possible issues.

And do you know someone who'd find this helpful? Please share, the more we can spread awareness of the benefits of natural therapies the better! :)

Find out more about other natural animal therapies here at Taranet. Or read other articles in this Natural Pet Health Blog. Take a look at the sitemap here to explore!

About the Author

Suzanne Harris is founder of this Taranet website at, and also provides business coaching to horse and dog care and veterinary professionals.

How To Help Your Pet With Echinacea

How To Love Your Pet With Natural Herbal Health

Have you ever used Echinacea as a herbal supplement for yourself? It's a herbal remedy that's often used to help with immune health.

Although medical research has not been overwhelming in evidence for its benefits. But as with any supplement, often the quality and provenance makes a huge difference!

Echinacea is also used to help with animal health too.

First of all, what is Echinacea?

It's a group of flowering plants that are native to North America. They're also called coneflowers. And of the nine common types, three are often used in herbal medicine:

  • Echinacea angustifolia, which has narrow petals
  • Echinacea pallida, which has pale petals
  • Echinacea purpurea, which has purple petals

So how can Echinacea help your pet?3 reasons your animal may use echinacea are:

  • Immune health
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Help with upper respiratory conditions.

Read more about why immune health is important for your animal here in my advice page

Which animals can have Echinacea?

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Rabbits
  • Horses.

How is echinacea given?
You can find it in capsule, liquid extract or as a powder.

Many leading herbal pet healthcare suppliers have echinacea supplements in their ranges. These include Hilton Herbs and Wendals Herbs.

As with any supplement don't use more than is recommended by your veterinary surgeon, and the guidelines on the product you purchase.

Are there any potential side effects?

Echinacea is considered safe and side effects are uncommon. See these:

But use echinacea cautiously in pregnant or nursing pets, and only with the consent of your veterinary surgeon!

As with all therapies and treatments - use only those that your Veterinary Surgeon approves. Whilst herbal medicine is generally very safe, there maybe some reasons why it won't be suitable for your horse, dog or other animal. It may not even work properly if your animal is on other medication, so do get your Veterinary Surgeon's permission first.

Find out more about other natural animal therapies here at Taranet. Or read other articles in this Natural Pet Health Blog. Take a look at the sitemap here to explore!

About the Author

Suzanne Harris is founder of this Taranet website at, and also provides business coaching to horse and dog care and veterinary professionals.